Systemic psychologist with "one foot in mental health, one foot in the working world", my services are intended for any adult who wishes to... * To know themselves better * To get support in case of personal difficulties: malaise, lack of self-confidence, emotional management, hypersensitivity, domestic violence, high potential... Professional difficulties: suffering at work, stress, burn-out, harassment, covid context... * A space just for oneself (oxygen bubble) How? Individual interviews (face-to-face or videoconference) or thematic modules in groups. In a caring environment, during interactive exchanges based on the systemic approach and/or art therapy. These two approaches are used separately or in a complementary way, according to the preferences and needs of the person who solicits me. Both approaches focus on resources (internal, relational, professional, creative...), and each one allows me to highlight, support and strengthen these same resources with the people and groups who call upon me.