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Ramdane Dehiles DO, MScO


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Osteopath graduated from ULB in 2012, assistant at ULB, osteopath of the federal Taekwondo team since 2015, I practice a medical osteopathy, rational and precise applied to spine pain, lumbago, torticollis, neuritis, sciatica, after-effects of sprains, sports injuries, etc. Every pain comes from a lesion, it is necessary to find it and treat it.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Adult osteopathy
  • Biomechanics
  • Acute pain
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Back problems
  • HVBA (High Velocity Low Amplitude) handling
  • Osteopathic emergencies

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      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • ULB, 2009 : Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation - ULB
  • Cabinet privé, Formation en crochetage myo-aponévrotique
  • Master universitaire, ULB, Sciences de la motricité (2009 - 2011)
  • Certificat de la Faculté de Médecine, ULB, Certificat de Neurologie (2011)
  • Certificat de la Faculté de Médecine, ULB, Certificat de Rhumatologie, médecine physique et maladies osseuses (2011)
  • Master Complémentaire universitaire, ULB, Ostéopathie (2011 - 2012)
  • ULB, Formation en pathologies du sport (2010 - 2012)
  • 2013 : Sémiologie médicale appliquée à l’ostéopathie – Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  • Agrégation universitaire, ULB, AESS en éducation physique (2011 - 2013)
  • Post-Graduate course, Institute of Classical Osteopathy, Dorking, GB, Foundation course en ostéopathie classique (2018 - 2019)
  • 2019 : Formation Knife – ETMA
  • 2020 : Formation en médecine orthopédique Cyriax - GCI
  • Certificat, ETGOM, Médecine orthopédique Cyriax (2023)

Professional experience

  • AFT-ITF Professional Tennis Tournaments $10000 - $15000, AFT, Belgique (2011 - 2018)
  • Championnat du monde de Taekwondo, WT, Russie (2015)
  • Grand Prix de Taekwondo, WT, Russie (2015)
  • Grand Prix de Taekwondo, WT, Turquie (2015)
  • Grand Prix de Taekwondo, WT, Angleterre (2015)
  • Grand Prix Final de Taekwondo, WT, Mexique (2015)
  • Coupe du monde par équipe de Taekwondo, WT, Mexique (2015)
  • Championnat d'Europe de Taekwondo, WT, Suisse (2016)
  • Championnat du monde Junior de Taekwondo, WT, Canada (2016)
  • Grand Prix Final de Taekwondo, WT, Azerbaïdjan (2016)
  • Coupe du monde par équipe de Taekwondo, WT, Azerbaïdjan (2016)
  • Championnat du monde de Taekwondo, WT, Corée du Sud (2017)
  • Championnat d'Europe Junior de Taekwondo, WT, Chypre (2017)
  • Championnat du monde de Taekwondo, WT, Angleterre (2019)
  • Grand Prix de Taekwondo, WT, Bulgarie (2019)
  • Grand Prix de Taewondo, WT, Italie (2023)

Participation in conferences

  • L'ostéopathie médicale, Groupe local d'évaluation médicale - Baudour (2024)
  • The staff of the sportsman: to each his place,, BeSport Formation (2019)
  • La prise en charge du sportif en ostéopathie, Cercle d'Ostéopathie de l'ULB (2018)
  • La hernie discale, prise en charge en ostéopathie, Cercle d'Ostéopathie de l'ULB (2017)
  • L'entorse de cheville, prise en charge en ostéopathie, Cercle d'Ostéopathie de l'ULB (2016)
  • Kinésithérapie et ostéopathie, Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité de l'ULB (2016)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Italian

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    I have lower back pain what doctor should i see ?

    • An osteopath or chiropractor.

      Ramdane Dehiles

      Ramdane Dehiles

  • General topics

    Hello, my shoulder is about a few centimeters out of place since i landed on it strangely. My question is how serious this can be since I still have full range of motion although it does feel unstable in certain positions when I do sports and which doctor I need to see to put it back into place.

    • Unstable shoulder = check with an orthopaedic surgeon to see if surgery / physiotherapy is needed
      Osteopathy = if there is no surgical indication AND physiotherapy is not helping

      Ramdane Dehiles

      Ramdane Dehiles

  • Knee pain

    Hi, I think I sprained my left knee. So, I got a knee support from the pharmacy to support recovery. As a self-diagnosis, I have no problems walking, the inner side ligaments seem to be healing better, but even after 8 weeks, the knee still feel sore. I can swim, but not really run and certainly not do any contact sports. It's probably best to finally see a general doctor. After seeing a general doctor, in case it is necessary, what could be the possible next steps to investigate what is wrong with the knee?

    • The inner side ligament of the knee DOES NOT heal well spontaneously, every knee sprain MUST be treated by a good physio

      Ramdane Dehiles

      Ramdane Dehiles

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • Dissertation 2009: Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in normobaric hypoxia. Dir. R. Naeije MD, PhD, Laboratory of Physiology, received with high distinction + 2011 Dissertation: Comparison of a classical myotensive technique and a "counter-curve" technique on passive axial rotation of the cervical spine. Dir. Pr. P. Klein DO, PhD, Manual Therapy Research Unit, received with highest distinction +Dissertation 2012 : Interest of thoracic manipulations in the management of common cervical pain. Dir. Pr. P. Klein DO, PhD, Manual Therapies Research Unit, received with high distinction.
  • Comparaison d'une technique myotensive classique et d'une technique dite "en accourcissement contrarié" sur la rotation axiale passive du rachis cervical. Reçu avec la plus grande distinction, Unité de Recherche en Thérapies Manuelles. Dir. Pr. P. Klein, DO, PhD (2011)
  • Intérêt des manipulations thoraciques dans le traitement des cervicalgies communes. Reçu avec grande distinction, Unité de Recherche en Thérapies Manuelles. Dir. Pr. P. Klein, DO, PhD (2012)


What is the address of the practitioner Ramdane Dehiles?

The health professional Ramdane Dehiles is located at Rue neuve, 46 in Rhode-Saint-Genèse.

Is the Ramdane Dehiles health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Ramdane Dehiles accept?
What languages does the Ramdane Dehiles practitioner speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Ramdane Dehiles and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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