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Je propose un accompagnement pour les enfants qui rencontrent des difficultés d'apprentissage (méthode de travail, stratégies de mémorisation,...), relationnelles ou comportementales. Je propose également des séances d'accompagnement parental pour les parents d'enfant ayant un trouble du neurodéveloppement (TDAH, TSA, ...) Prise en charge enfant : à partir de 6 ans. Bilan QI : à partir de 2 ans 6mois jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Bilan attentionnel enfant, adolescent et adulte. Langue : Français

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Teenager
  • General neuropsychology
  • Problem of working method
17 patients' recommendations

Patient Reviews

Verified reviews from real patients


From 17 reviews

Reviews by 17 patients
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

Access and Appointments

  • Avenue d'Oppem 76, Wezembeek-Oppem
    • Easy parking
  • Payment Methods


    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Bachelier, Institut Libre Marie Haps, Assistante en psychologie clinique (2011 - 2014)
  • Master, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Neuropsychologie et développement cognitif (2014 - 2017)

Professional experience

  • Neuropsychologue, Ecole Intégrée, Belgique (2019 - Présent)
  • Professeur de psychologie appliquée (humanité), Ecole Intégrée (2019 - Présent)
  • Professeur de méthode de travail , Ecole Intégrée (2019 - Présent)
  • Neuropsychologue, Pole Territorial Inclusif, Belgique (2022 - Présent)

Participation in conferences

  • Formation continue 2024-2025 : Accompagner les compétences sociales et émotionnelles , Cindy Magnin (2024)
  • CPIM à l'école , Children-Parent Interregulatory Method, CPIM (2024)
  • Formation certifiante : Accompagner l'adulte à haut potentiel sans stigmatiser , Singularis Academy - Catherine Cuche & Sophie Brasseur (2024)
  • Formation : Sensibilisation au Trouble du Spectre de l'Autisme, Learning Brain (2024)
  • TDAH Académie, Sébastien Henrard (2024)
  • Formation Certifiante : les troubles du comportement, Training Institute for Psychology & Health (2023)
  • Formation Certifiante : Children-Parent Interregulatory Method, CPIM (2023)
  • Formation : PEHP : Programme d’entrainement aux habilités parentales, Sébastien Henrard (2023)
  • Formation : La gestion des écrans, Sébastien Henrard (2023)
  • Vivre avec le TDAH à travers les âges , Université de Genève (2023)
  • Formation Certifiante : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et traiter le burn out parental, Training Institute for Psychology & Health (2022)

Spoken languages

  • French


What is the address of the practitioner Camille Lannoote?

The address of the practitioner Camille Lannoote is Avenue d'Oppem 76 in Wezembeek-Oppem.

Is the Camille Lannoote health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Camille Lannoote accept?
What languages does the Camille Lannoote practitioner speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Camille Lannoote and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime shares personal data only to allow the execution of any department which the user to grant
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