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  • Nutrition
  • Soumise le 06/11/2023

Where to get hospital treatment for binge eating disorder in Brussels?

If I want to get a treatment for binge eating disorder and I want to be treated in an hospital in Brussels to whom should I refer to? to which medical branch/department should I refer to. How do I fix an appointment?

4 praticiens ont répondu

  • Hello,
    Regarding the hospitalisation of binge eating disorder, I would suggest you take an appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychiatric department at one of the hospitals in Brussels: Erasme Hospital (Anderlecht), Saint Louis Hospital (Woluwe), Delta Hospital (Ixelles) or Leopold Parc Clinic (Ixelles), to name a few.
    Each of these have a website to fix an appointment as well as an English version to make it easier for you, or you can find the practitioners here on DoctorAnyTime.
    Wishing you the best.

    Jason Wood



  • Hello. You have to take an appointment with 1 psychologist + 1 Dieticien.
    Take care of you.

    Manon Liégeois



  • Hi, I recommend to look for the psychology/psychiatry department of a general hospital and to check their website, often the specialty of a department are listed on the website. In your case, binge eating disorder is listed as the more general classification "trouble du comportement alimentaire".
    Hope this can help.

    Sabrina Cerro Di Vincenzo



  • Dear,
    You can reach out to "La Ramée" : https://www.epsylon.be/?id=132:la-ramee-unite-2 They will refer you to the right department depending on your need and age.
    I hope you'll find some good help there.
    Best regards,
    Gisèle Gual, dietician-nutritionist

    Gisèle Gual



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