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Ghjuvanni Pifferi Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment Ghjuvanni Pifferi Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment

Ghjuvanni Pifferi


License number: 54753530527

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Ghjuvanni Pifferi is a physical therapist since 2019. He graduated that same year from the Haute d'École Libre de Bruxelles, with Distinction. He has also done various academic research such as those on gait biomechanics and orthopedic surgical approaches, which has allowed him to further his education. He has followed a course of continuing education in manual therapy and specializes in the field of sports physiotherapy and offers you a hollistic and complete treatment of your pathology. He is a specialist in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, sports physiotherapy and general physiotherapy (orthopedics, traumatology, rheumatology, cardiovascular, post-operative, adult respi, etc.). He has specific techniques of evaluation and treatment in order to elaborate the most optimized rehabilitation for the patient, adapted to the knowledge learned in manual therapy training. Moreover, he is trained in the techniques of crocheting, taping and cupping. He welcomes you in the respect of the rules of hygiene with pleasure within his own cabinet on the following days - Monday: 8am - 10pm - Tuesday: 8am - 10pm - Wednesday: 4pm - 10pm - Thursday: 8am - 10pm - Friday: 4pm - 10pm - Saturday: 8am - 8pm and at the Louise Medical Center on the following days: - Wednesday: 8am - 3pm - Friday: 8am - 3pm For all other information, please contact: 0475 91 45 83

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Sports physiotherapy
  • Orthopedic
  • Traumatology
  • TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint)
  • Lock picking
  • Manual therapy
  • Rheumatology
202 patients' recommendations

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  • 2013-2019 : Kinesitherapy at the Haute École Libre de Bruxelles+ 2019-2021 : Certificate of specialization in orthopedic manual therapy at ETMA
  • MAPRA, Les dysfonctions temporo-mandibulaires (2024)
  • Osteo structure , Viscéral Structurel Conjonctif (2024)
  • Be Sports, Testing et prise en charge aiguë du sportif de haut niveau (2019)
  • ETMA, Crochetage-myo-aponevrotique (2019 - 2020)
  • ETMA , Knife (2019)
  • 2019-2021 : Certificat de spécialisation en therapie manuelle orthopédique à l'ETMA
  • ETMA, Taping-strapping-kinesiotape (2020 - 2021)
  • Cnfk, Cupping therapy (2019)
  • ETMA , Fasciathérapie - chaines musculaires (2023)
  • HE Vinci , Traitement des syndromes myofasciaux par la technique des triggers points (2024)
  • HE V, Reeducation de la lésion des ischio-jambiers (2024)
  • ETMA , Dry needling (2024)

Professional experience

  • #ERROR!

Participation in conferences

  • Sports physiotherapy, sports nutrition, approaches to surgical techniques, manual therapy

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Academic research and publications

  • Biomechanics of walking: normalization and validation of some parameters of walking from the Center of thrust by force platform +- Role of the hamstrings in the control and stabilization of the knee after an ACL injury
  • - Rôle des ischio-jambiers dans le contrôle et la stabilisation du genou après une lésion du LCA.
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