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Dr Loïc Hamon Ophthalmologist: Book an online appointment Dr Loïc Hamon Ophthalmologist: Book an online appointment

Loïc Hamon


License number: 18267771370

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Ophtalmologue général, cornée et rétine médicale pour adultes et enfants à partir de 6 ans.

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  • Anterior segment
  • General ophthalmology
  • Retina
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  • FEBO, Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (2023 - Présent)
  • International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), Certificated in "Optics, Refraction and Instruments" (2018 - Présent)
  • Spécialiste en ophtalmologie, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (Homburg, Allemagne), Spécialisation en ophtalmologie (2018 - 2023)
  • Master, UCL, Médecine (2012 - 2017)
  • Bachelier, UNamur, Médecine (2009 - 2012)

Professional experience

  • Ophtalmologue, Clinique Notre Dame de Grâce, Gosselies, Belgique (2024 - Présent)
  • Ophtalmologue (Oberarzt), Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar, Allemagne (2023 - 2024)
  • Assistant en ophtalmologie, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar, Allemagne (2018 - 2023)

Organisations member

  • Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica, Membre
  • Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie, Membre
  • Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, Membre
  • Euuropean Eye Bank Association, Membre

Participation in conferences

  • Keratokonus und ICRS - ein Revival aus früheren Tagen oder lohnenswerter neuer therapeutischer Ansatz? (invited speaker), Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmochirurgie (DOC) - Nürnberg, Allemagne (2024)
  • Vom harmlosen Infiltrat bis zur Perforation - das Spektrum bakterieller Keratitiden (invited speaker), Homburger Hornhauttag - Homburg, Allemagne (2024)
  • Altered corneal biomechanics according to the biomechanical E-Staging in pellucid marginal degeneration, World Keratoconus Conference - Dubai, Emirats Arabes Unis (2024)
  • Autologous serum eye drops, Congress of the European Eye Bank Association - Anvers, Belgique (2024)
  • Detection of cornea guttata (invited speaker), Congress of the European association for Vision and Eye Reserarch - Valencia, Espagne (2023)
  • Sterile donor tomography (invited speaker), Congress of the European association for Vision and Eye Reserarch - Valencia, Espagne (2023)
  • Sterile Spendertomographie: Effektivität und Anwendungen, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Berlin, Allemagne (2023)
  • Amnionmembrantransplantation für Hornhautulzera (invited speaker), Münster Hornhautforum - Münster, Allemagne (2023)
  • Keratokonjunktivitis epidemica, Homburger Cornea Curriculum - Homburg, Allemagne (2023)
  • Eigenserumtherapie, Homburger Cornea Curriculum - Homburg, Allemagne (2023)
  • Pterygium: Klinik und Therapie., Homburger Cornea Curriculum - Homburg, Allemagne (2023)
  • Organisation der Hornhautsprechstunde, Homburger Cornea Curriculum - Homburg, Allemagne (2023)
  • Biomechanical effect of intracorneal ring segment implantation, Ophtalmologica Belgica - Bruxelles, Belgique (2022)
  • Biomechanical effect of intracorneal ring segment implantation. EVER 2022 – Valencia, Spain., Congress of the European association for Vision and Eye Research - Valencia, Espagne (2022)
  • Biomechanische Effekte von intraktornealen Ringsegmenten, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Berlin, Allemagne (2022)
  • Bacterial keratitis (invited speaker), Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Berlin, Allemagne (2022)
  • Intrakorneale Ringsegmente (invited speaker), Homburger Hornhauttag - Homburg, Allemagne (2022)
  • Morphological characterization and clinical effects of stromal alterations after intracorneal ring segments implantation in keratoconus, European Cornea Conference - Anvers, Belgique (2022)
  • La kératoplastie transfixiante a-t-elle encore une place? (invited speaker), Congrès de la Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie - Paris, France (2022)
  • A comparison of intracorneal ring segment for pellucid marginal degeneration versus keratoconus, Congrès de la Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie - Paris, France (2022)
  • Reliability and efficiency of corneal thickness measurements using sterile donor tomography in the eye bank, Congress of the European Eye Bank Association - Online (2022)
  • [Prix de la meilleure publication de chir. refractive en Allemagne en 2022] Histologische und ultrastrukturelle Charakterisierung von Ablagerungen und Gewebeveränderungen nach Implantation von intrakornealen Ringsegmenten (ICRS) bei Keratokonus, Congress of the German Society for Cataract & Refractive Surgeons - Dortmund, Allemagne (2022)
  • La kératoplastie transfixiante a-t-elle encore une place? Avant première (invited speaker), Rapport SFO/SOP - Paris, France (2021)
  • Morphological characterization and clinical effects of stromal alterations after intracorneal ring segments implantation in keratoconus, Ophtalmologica Belgica - Bruxelles, Belgique (2021)
  • Sterile Spendertomographie in der Hornhautbank: Verbesserung fder Auswahl und Vorbereitung von Spenderhornhäuten zur Keratoplastik, Düsseldorfer Hornhauttag - Düsseldorf, Allemagne (2021)
  • Histologische und ultrastrukturelle Charakterisierung von Ablagerungen und Gewebeveränderungen nach Implantation von intrakornealen Ringsegmenten (ICRS) bei Keratokonus, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Online (2021)
  • Biomechanische Befunde bei einseitigem Keratokonus (invited speaker), Homburger Keratoconus Symposium - Homburg, Allemagne (2021)
  • Purpureocillium lilacinum: Présentation d'un cas atypique de kératite fongique chez une patiente immunocompétente, Congrès de la Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie - Online (2021)
  • 27-year old man with corneal opacity after injury with a branch, Ophtalmologica Belgica - Online (2020)
  • [3ème prix e-poster 2020] Outcomes after intracamerale dexamethasone injection due to endotheliale immune reaction after keratoplasty, Ophtalmologica Belgica - Online (2020)
  • 27-jähriger Mann mit «Hornhauttrübung» nach Astverletzung, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaaft - Online (2020)
  • Ergebnisse nach intrakameraler Dexamethasone.Injektion bei endothelialer Immunreaktion nach oerforierender Keratoplasti, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Online (2020)
  • Outcomes after intracamerale dexamethasone injection due to endotheliale immune reaction after keratoplasty, World Ophthalmology Congress - Online (2020)
  • Biomechanische Änderungen nach ICRS-Implantation, Congress of the German Society for Cataract & Refractive Surgeons - Mainz, Allemagne (2020)
  • Changes of thickness and curvature of human corneal grafts in medium II before keratoplasty, Congress of the European Eye Bank Society - Hannover, Allemagne (2020)
  • Biomechanical changes after ICRS implantation, Congress of the European association for Vision and Eye Research - Nice, France (2019)
  • Kinetik des Entquellungsprozesses von humanen Hornhäuten in Medium II vor Keratoplastik, Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Berlin, Allemagne (2019)
  • Cinétique du processus de déturgescence cornéenne en milieu de culture II avant greffe de cornée, Congrès de la Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie - Paris, France (2019)
  • Kinetics of deswelling process of corneal grafts with dextran-containing medium before keratoplasty, Congress of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology - Vancouver, Canada (2019)
  • Biomechanische Befunde des gesunden Auges bei sog. Einseitigem Keratokonus, Versammlung des Vereins Rhein Mainisches Augenärzte - Frankfurt an Main, Allemagne (2018)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • German

Academic research and publications

  • Hamon L, Weistein I, Flockerzi E, Berger T, Abu Dail Y, Daas L, Seitz B. Eigenserum Augentropfen in der Augenheilkunde: Prinzipien, Herstellung und klinische Anwendung. Z prakt Augenheilkd 2024;45:29-40. (2024)
  • Hamon L, Abu Dail Y, Daas L, Seitz B. [Bacterial keratitis : Clinical aspects, pathogens and treatment]. Ophthalmologie 2024;121(9):769-782. doi: 10.1007/s00347-024-02102-9. (2024)
  • Hamon L, Pfahl LJ, Flockerzi E, Berger T, Langenbucher A, Seitz B, Daas L. Implantation of intracorneal ring segments in keratectasia: Effects on corneal biomechanics in 112 eyes. Cornea 2024;43(6):702-709. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000003419 (2024)
  • Hamon L, Weinstein I, Quintin A, Safi T, Bofferding M, Daas L, Seitz B. Review for special issue: Corneal lamellar surgery: Present outcomes and future perspectives. Taiwan J Ophthalmol 2024;14(1):3-14 doi: 10.4103/tjo.TJO-D-23-00133. (2024)
  • Hamon L, Daas L, Quintin A, Safi T, Weinstein I, Seitz B. Modern eye banking. Preservation, type of tissues, selection. In: Alió JL, Alió der Barrio JL. Ed. Modern keratoplasty. Essentials in Ophthalmology. Springer, pp. 17-14, Cham 2023. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32408-6_2 (2023)
  • Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. Hornhausulkus – Handlungspfad. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd
  • 2022;239(09): 1084-1091. doi: 10.1055/a-1892-6318 (2022)
  • Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. Hornhautulkus – Handlungspfad. Augenheilkunde up2date 2022;12(03):201-208.doi: 10.1055/a-1705-1623 (2022)
  • Hamon L, Schlötzler-Schrehard U, Flockerzi FA, Seitz B, Daas L. Morphological characterization and clinical effects of stromal alterations after intracorneal ring segments implantation in keratoconus. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;260:2299-2308. doi:
  • 10.1007/s00417-022-05572-2. (2022)
  • Hamon L, Berger T, Seitz B, Daas L. [Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy, cataract and astigmatism: A comparison of correction of astigmatism with DMEK plus simultaneous vs. sequential cataract surgery with toric IOL implantation]. Ophthalmologie 2022;119(12):1288-1293. doi: 10.1007/s00347-022-01591-w. (2022)
  • Hamon L, El Halabi M, Flockerzi FA, Seitz B, Daas L. [Purpureocillium lilacinum : Atypical pathogen of mycotic keratitis in an immunocompetent patient]. Ophthalmologe 2022;119(3):300-303. doi: 10.1007/s00347-021-01325-4. (2022)
  • Hamon L, Quintin A, Mäurer S, Weinstein I, Langenbucher A, Seitz B, Daas L: Reliability and efficiency of corneal thickness measurements using sterile donor tomography in the eye bank. Cell Tissue Bank 2022;23(4):695-706. doi: 10.1007/s10561-021-09980-2. (2022)
  • Hamon L, Seitz B, Daas L. Intrastromal fibrosis and lipid deposits twenty years after intracorneal ring segment implantation for treatment of mild myopia. J Fr Ophtalmol
  • 2022;45:147-150. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2021.06.018. (2022)
  • Hamon L, Bayyoud T, Seitz N. Ocular findings in patients with COVID-19: impact on eye
  • banking [Letter]. Clin Ophthalmol 2021;15:2051-2052. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S317378. (2021)
  • Hamon L, Daas L, Mäurer S, Weinstein I, Quintin A, Schulz K, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. Thickness and curvature changes of human corneal grafts in dextran-containing organ culture medium before keratoplasty. Cornea 2021;40(6):733-740. doi:
  • 10.1097/ICO.0000000000002543 (2021)
  • Hamon L, Flockerzi E, Ardjomand N, Seitz B, Daas L. [A 27-year-old man with "corneal opacity" after being injured by a branch]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118(2):186-189. doi:
  • 10.1007/s00347-020-01130-5 (2021)
  • Seitz B, Flockerzi E, Hamon L, Berger T, Abu Dail Y, Suffo S, Daas L. Perforierende Keratoplastik PKP: Indikationen, Technik und Nachsorge. In: Pfeiffer N, Cursiefen C, Holz FG, Lagrèze WA (eds) Die Augenheilkunde. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer 2024, pp. 1-22, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-65929-8_142-1 (2024)
  • Berger T, Dail YA, Seitz B, Khattabi Z, Flockerzi E, Hamon L, Langenbucher A, Daas L. Outcomes of manual arcuate keratotomy with compression sutures for high regular postkeratoplasty astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg 2024;50(12):1254–61. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001535. (2024)
  • Kahlert J, Hamon L, Seitz B, Szentmáry N, Weinstein I, Fries FN. [Posterior embryotoxon avulsion in anterior segment dysgenesis]. Ophthalmologie 2024;121(10):783. doi: 10.1007/s00347-024-02085-7. (2024)
  • D'Amelio R, Hamon L, Seitz B, Weinstein I. [How to talk to relatives about corneal donation]. Ophthalmologie 2024;121(10):845-856. doi: 10.1007/s00347-024-02111-8 (2024)
  • Flockerzi E, Berger T, Seitz B, Hamon L, Daas L. Evaluation of dynamic corneal response parameters and the biomechanical E-staging after Intacs® SK implantation in keratoconus. Indian J Ophthalmol 2024;72(Suppl 3):S495-S500. doi: 10.4103/IJO.IJO_2944_23. (2024)
  • Khattabi Z, Lesan V, Berger T, Seitz B, Hamon L. Belantamab-mafodotin-associated keratopathy. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2024 Nov;47(9):104253. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2024.104253. (2024)
  • Kohlhas P, Daas L, Seitz B, Hamon L. [Comparison of immunogenic and crystalline endothelial deposits after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK)-a report of two cases]. Ophthalmologie 2024;121(6):498-501. doi: 10.1007/s00347-024-02016-6. (2024)
  • Massia Menkene L, Berger T, Safi T, Hamon L, Munteanu C, Seitz B, Daas L. Analysis of graft detachments and re-bubblings after 450 Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty procedures. Cornea 2024;43(9):1115-1123. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000003531. (2024)
  • Wykrota AA, Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty after failed penetrating keratoplasty- case series and review of the literature. BMC Ophthalmol 2024;24(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12886-023-03279-4. (2024)
  • Zilles M, Flockerzi E, Daas L, Weinstein I, Hamon L, Seitz B. Impact of cleanroom status on the reasons for discarding organ-cultured corneal transplants in a modern eye bank - More donor corneas thanks to astronaut suit? Acta Ophthalmol 2024;102(5):e672-e678. doi: 10.1111/aos.16611. (2024)
  • Mergen B, Berger T, Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. Anterior chamber intraocular lens removal combined with triple DMEK: Quadruple DMEK for bullous keratopathy. Eur J Ophthalmol 2024;34(3):NP13-NP17. doi: 10.1177/11206721231213684. (2024)
  • Alles F, Hamon L, Seitz B, Daas L. [Refractive and visual result after combined explantation of a posterior chamber phakic lens and phacoemulsification with implantation of a toric IOL]. Ophthalmologie 2024;121(2):146-151. doi: 10.1007/s00347-023-01935-0. (2024)
  • Daas L, Hamon L, Suffo S, Flockerzi E, Seitz B. Excimer laser assisted penetrating keratoplasty and DALK In: Alió JL, Alió der Barrio JL. Ed. Modern keratoplasty. Essentials in Ophthalmology. Springer 2023, pp. 159-166, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32408-6_11 (2023)
  • Sideroudi H, Flockerzi E, Daas L, Jullien T, Xanthopoulou K, Hamon L, Seitz B. Baseline characteristics of 1976 Patients with ectatic corneal disorders at a single center from 2010 to 2021: a cross-sectional study of the Homburg Keratoconus Center. Eye Contact Lens 2023;49(9):392-398. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000001014. (2023)
  • Berger T, Flockerzi E, Daas L, Hamon L, Khattabi Z, Berger M, Seitz B. [Modern corneal diagnostics as the key for the correct classification of the disease and optimal treatment decisions]. Ophthalmologie 2023;120(12):1238-1250. doi: 10.1007/s00347-023-01919-0. (2023)
  • Seitz B, Turner C, Hamon L, Sneyers A, Alles F, Maamri A, Goebels-Kummerow S, Fiorentzis M, Bechrakis NE. [Leadership in ophthalmology training: Opportunities and risks of medical specialist education]. Ophthalmologie 2023;120(9):906-919. doi: 10.1007/s00347-023-01910- 9. (2023)
  • Sideroudi H, Flockerzi E, Jullien T, Hamon L, Seitz B. Risk factors for keratoconus progression in children compared with young and middle-aged adults. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2023;240(6):751-760. doi: 10.1055/a-2023-9124. (2023)
  • Quintin A, Hamon L, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. In situ donor keratometry in deceased patients as a novel screening technique for eye banking. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023;261(6):1619-1625 doi: 10.1007/s00417-022-05871-8. (2023)
  • Berger T, Seitz B, Hamon L, Flockerzi F, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Daas L. Ultrastructural examination of the corneal interface after predescemetic deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) - A case report with light and transmission electron microscopy. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2023;240(8):1010-1016. doi: 10.1055/a-1745-9140. (2023)
  • Quintin A, Hamon L, Flockerzi FA, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Dias Blak M, Seitz B. Corneal epithelial ingrowth after perforating corneal injury: a case report. BMC Ophthalmol 2022;22:510. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02670-x. (2022)
  • Sourlis C, Seitz B, Roth M, Hamon L, Daas L. Outcomes of severe fungal keratitis using in vivo confocal microscopy and early therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty. Clin Ophthalmol 2022;16:2245-2254. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S358709. (2022)
  • Struckmeier AK, Hamon L, Flockerzi E, Munteanu C, Seitz B, Daas L. Femtosecond laser and mechanical dissection for ICRS and MyoRing implantation - a meta-analysis. Cornea. 2022;41(4):518-537. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000002937. (2022)
  • Quintin A, Hamon L, Mäurer S, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. OCT Application for sterile corneal graft screening in the eye bank. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2021; 238:688-692. doi: 10.1055/a- 1443-5451. (2022)
  • Seitz B, Daas L, Hamon L, Xanthopoulou K, Goebels S, Spira-Eppig C, Razafimino S, Szentmáry N, Langenbucher A, Flockerzi E. [Stage-appropriate treatment of keratoconus]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118:1069-1088. doi: 10.1007/s00347-021-01410-8. (2022)
  • Wykrota AA, Weinstein I, Hamon L, Daas L, Flockerzi E, Suffo S, Seitz B. Approval rates for corneal donation and the origin of donor tissue for transplantation at a university based tertiary referral center with corneal subspecialization hosting a LIONS Eye Bank. BMC Ophthalmol. 2022;22(1):17. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02248-7. Erratum in: BMC Ophthalmol. 2022;22(1):34. (2022)
  • Fraenkel D, Hamon L, Weinstein I, Seitz B, Daas L. Urrets-Zavalia syndrome after implantation of a phakic intraocular lens. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2022; 260:173-180. doi: 10.1055/a-1610-9239 (2022)
  • Seitz B, Daas L, Hamon L, Fraenkel D, Szentmàry N, Langenbucher A, Suffo S. La kératoplastie transfixiante. In: Thuret G, Muraine M, Gain P: L’endothélium cornéen. Elsevier- Masson 2021, pp. 121-125, Paris. (2021)
  • Seitz B, Asi F, Mäurer S, Hamon L, Quintin A, Langenbucher A. Anterior Segment OCT: Application to improve Graft Selection for corneal Transplantation. In: Alió JL. ed. Atlas of anterior Segment optical Coherence Tomography. Springer 2021: 223-236, Cham, Switzerland. (2021)
  • Seitz B, Dass L, Hamon L, Berger T, Flockerzi E. Stadiengerechte Therapie des Keratokonus. In: Pfeiffer N, Cursiefen C, Holz FG, Lagrèze WA (eds) Die Augenheilkunde. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer 2021, pp. 1-20, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662- 65929-8_115-1 (2021)
  • Daas L, Hamon L, Ardjomand N, Safi T, Seitz B. [Excimer laser-assisted DALK: a case report from the Homburg Keratoconus Center (HKC)]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118(12):1245-1248. doi: 10.1007/s00347-021-01342-3. (2021)
  • Hartmann M, Hamon L, Flockerzi E, Ardjomand N, Seitz B, Daas L. [Implantation of a small- aperture intraocular lens (IOL) in two patients with irregular astigmatism after keratorefractive surgery]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118(12):1264-1266. doi: 10.1007/s00347-020-01274-4. (2021)
  • Quintin A, Hamon L, Mäurer S, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. [Comparison of sterile donor tomography in the eye bank and graft tomography after penetrating keratoplasty].
  • Ophthalmologe 2021;118(10):1038-1044. doi: 10.1007/s00347-020-01256-6. (2021)
  • Flockerzi E, Xanthopoulou K, Goebels SC, Zemova E, Razafimino S, Hamon L, Jullien T, Klühspies U, Eppig T, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. Keratoconus staging by decades: a baseline ABCD classification of 1000 patients in the Homburg Keratoconus Center. Br J Ophthalmol 2021;105:1069-1075. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-316789. (2021)
  • Fraenkel D, Hamon L, Daas L, Flockerzi E, Suffo S, Eppig T, Seitz B. Tomographically normal partner eye in very asymmetrical corneal ectasia: biomechanical analysis. J CataractbRefract Surg 2021;47(3):366-372. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000435. (2021)
  • Maamri A, Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. [A 63-year-old male patient with acute visual deterioration after penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconus]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118(7):728-731. doi:10.1007/s00347-020-01226-y. (2021)
  • Farah CJ, Seitz B, Hamon L, Sourlis C, Daas L. [Coinfections in contact lens-associated mycotic keratitis with Pseudomonas or Acanthamoeba]. Ophthalmologe 2021;118(9):940-943. doi: 10.1007/s00347-020-01207-1. (2021)
  • Martin C, Tschernig T, Hamon L, Daas L, Seitz B. Corneae from body donors in anatomy department: valuable use for clinical transplantation and experimental research. BMC
  • Ophthalmol 2020;20:284. (2020)


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