The Alpha Omega medical center is pleased to welcome you to its new facilities. A general practitioner, a physiotherapist, a psychologist and a hypnocoach are at your disposal. ** Our team wants to offer you multidisciplinary, professional, benevolent, human and warm support. ** The center wishes to expand its offer in the near future. ** Do you want to make an appointment? • At the general practitioner: - online appointment 24/7 via this doctoranytime site -For an information request: email: info@ Phone: 0484/676124 • At the physiotherapist: - appointment taken at 0487/805103 • At the psychologist: - appointment taken at 0478/280442 • At the hypnocoach: - take appointment at 0489/318318 ** Our values: humanism, humility, benevolence, respect, work, transparency, listening. Thank you. See you soon