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  • Algemene onderwerpen
  • Op 28/07/2023 ingediend

Hi, I am 36 years old male. I had L5-S1 surgery to remove the disc 5 years ago. I am having pain again in lower back and my legs since last 4-5 days.. I am resting but would like to know if it can be something serious. Should I go for MRI and diagnosis again or it is normal to have such episodes knowing the medical condition I have. Will I be normal again to live normal life ? Thanks in advance for Guidance

18 zorgverleners hebben geantwoord

  • It depends on what activities you're doing every day. I think you should rest before you do more exams, if the pain is still there then you can go for exams.

    Salah Assbane



  • Hello,
    It's possible to feel this kind of pain again after such a surgery. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's something serious or that your pain is linked to this surgery. You can talk about it to your doctor and you can do some exercises for you back (core exercise, glute strengthening, low back strenghtening, etc).

    Noémie Stubbe



  • It depends on what your activity level has been over the last five years and if you have worked on continuing to strengthen you core and back muscles. It could also be another level of the spine /vertebrae that is affected or even a muscular issue and nothing to do with your previous surgery. I would consult with your orthopedic dr or physiotherapist to do a few tests in order to exclude certain pathologies.

    John O’Reilly



  • First thing you have to check is if you have lost power in your leg ( foot drop/ hard to walk up stairs/ unable to stand on toe or the heel of the painful leg) if you have no problem with that, it is not really nescesary tot have an MRI at this moment. You can book and appointment with your GP to see if you need medication ( Ibuprofen/epidural) or if you just need some rest + excersises to strenghten the back muscles and abdominal muscles.

    Catherine Bayart



  • You’ve to follow a full reeducation of physiotherapy but yes that’s can happen. Sometimes because you stay in a wrong position or to long in same position or you slept badly or you muscles are tired,… you can feel your back again. But with a good reeducation you ave more chance to getting back to normal life

    Lorenzo Dragonetti



  • Hello. First of all, you should talk about your pain to your surgeon and your general practitioner. There many things that can influence the pain, not only anatomical issues. So the answer depends also on the rest of your health background and your psycho-social context. Go on moving to avoid stiffness. Being inactive will keep the situation the same or getting it worse and worse.

    Adélie Priem



  • If you don't loose the sensibility or the strength of your legs, you don't have to worry. The MRI could be interesting if you had a trauma that recreate your symptoms, like an event where you can say:" since then I fell my symptoms" otherwise the MRI is not a priority. A piste would be to start some session with a kiné to see if it can have an impacte on your symptoms.

    Joachim De Meur



  • Hi, unfortunately with only those informations, without seeing you, I'm not able to tell you if it could be serious or not. I recommend you go to your doctor too be sure. I would recommend for you to renforce your abdominal muscle either way.
    Hope it's can help you a little.

    Victoria Cohidon

    Kinésithérapeute et microkinésithérapeute


  • Good morning,
    it is not surprising to present several episodes of lumbar pain and even very acute radiating pain, unfortunately.
    Then, there are several causes of radiating pain in the legs, they are not always of disc origin, or even lumbar. they have an in-depth clinical examination done (sometimes it's better than doing an MRI or scan directly).
    In addition, in the long term it must be said that even someone who has not had medical intervention will experience several episodes of low back pain. So it's a real hygiene of life to adopt to avoid further weakening your back: physical activities, relaxation, good diet (avoid
    ... Meer lezen

    Michalon Gilles



  • Hi, it's difficult to say, the best thing to do is to consult a specialist. Don't be pessimist, yes you can be "normal" again, maybe it'll take some time but you have to do everything to aim your goal. I think that you have to consult, then see, maybe an IRM maybe just some physio. Keep the faith

    Nathan Avni



  • Hello,

    It seems you have a sciatica. It’s not a serious problem but resting is not the solution. You need to move, walk. I advise you to go see a physioterapist to help you for guidance and to reassure you with your condition. There is maybe no link between your condition and your actual sciatica. Don’t worry and go see a physiotherapist ;)

    Orléane Nève De Mévergnies



  • Hello,
    I think you have to go for a MRI because what you live isn't normal. It's always better to make a check-up to be sure that nothing seriously happens.
    After that, and by having results, you should go to a physiotherapist who can helps you to get better. He will help you with massages, stretching and to make the corrects exercises. It's important.
    Take care

    Christophe Maton



  • Hello Sir, I would advise you to go and see your doctor to get a medical opinion first. Medical examinations such as MRI must be prescribed. Kind regards

    Raphaëlle Outrequin (Account desactiveren)



  • Hello
    Red flag is a sign who mean there is serious in your back and redflags are not reveal by MRI but by physical exam. You should take an appointment with a professional health practician specialist in back problems.
    Have a good day

    Benjamin Lallement



  • Hi, I would suggest you to consider going for MRI in case you have lost of strenght in your legs or incontinence. Otherwise I would't be worried but it will help you to move, no just to rest. Try to move slowly, breathing and relaxing yourself, there is probably some movements that are not painful for you, maybe walking or being in 4 points kneeling. Follow a graduate exercice therapy with a physiotherapist will help you to have the life you want. kind regards

    Claire Dufeil



  • Hello ! You should get an appointment to your doctor, he/she will tell you if it’s best to do any MRI or something else. :)

    Charlotte Dousset



  • Hello,
    It's impossible to know without seeing you. The best thing is to take an appointement with me in order to see what is the origin of your pain and if we can release it. It is the most important thing because usally they don't operate if this is not touching nerves of the perineal area. So it can make you win some time in the health process to directly try to release the nerve irritation if you don't have red flags. This is not because you had an operation that you are not going to have back pain or nerve irritation again. But i'm here to help you to try to do as much as possible in order to live your best life as lo
    ... Meer lezen

    Thibault Cramesnil



  • . If you are experiencing pain in your lower back and legs after a history of L5-S1 surgery, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a spine specialist or orthopedic surgeon. They can evaluate your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and determine if further imaging, like an MRI, is necessary to understand the cause of your pain.

    While it's not uncommon for individuals with a history of disc-related issues to experience occasional episodes of discomfort, it's crucial to get a proper diagnosis to rule out any serious underlying problems. The right treatment plan and lifestyle adjustments can
    ... Meer lezen

    Loic Bullock



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