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Doctor Abu Serieh Basel, neurosurgeon, graduated in general medicine from Carol-Davila University (Bucharest - Romania). He receives you on Mondays and Thursdays in his office at the La Chasse Medical Center. He welcomes you in four different languages ​​(French, English, Romanian and Arabic). Doctor Abu Serieh Basel also practices at Molière Longchamps hospital.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Neurosurgery

Access and Appointments

  • Payment Methods

    Bank Card

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Strong Sciences - Abu Dhabi (Arab Emirates) General Medicine - Carol Davila University (Bucharest - Romania) Master in Neurosurgery - Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) DES in Spine Surgery - Lyon (France)

Professional experience

  • Researcher in Surgical Neurosciences (2000 / 2007) Deputy Head of Clinic at St Pierre University Hospital (2014 / 2017) Spine Surgery Specialist at Molière Longchamps Iris Sud (2017 / -) Emergency Guard (CHR HUY / CHR du Namur / CHPLT Verviers / St Nicola

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Arab
  • Romanian

Academic research and publications

  • - Cat scratch disease presenting as meningomyeloradiculopathy
  • - Deep EEG Recordings of the Mammillary Body in Epilepsy Patients
  • - Microsurgical results with large or giant vestibular schwannomas with preservation of facial and cochlear nerve function as the primary aim
  • - Epileptic discharges in dammillary Body of a Patient with Refractory Epilepsy
  • - Stereotactic ventriculoperitoneal shunting for refractory idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  • - Postoperative Spinal adhesive arachnoiditis presenting with hydrocephalus and cauda equina syndrome
  • - Subdural motor cortex stimulation for central and peripheral neuropathic pain: a long-term follow-up study in a series of of eight patients
  • - Shunting of Syringomyelic Cavities by Using a Myringotomy Tube: Technical Note and Long-Term Results
  • - Unusual CT/MR features of putative ligamentum flavum ossification in a North African woman
  • - Memory and mammillothalamic tract: absence of memory dysfunction after bilateral MB/MTT DBS lead implantation


What is the address of Doctor Basel Abu Serieh?

The address of Doctor Basel Abu Serieh is situated at Pl. Saint-Denis 33 in Forest.

Is practitioner Basel Abu Serieh accepting new patients?
What are the payment methods accepted by Dr. Basel Abu Serieh?
What languages does practitioner Basel Abu Serieh speak?
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