Children and their development and learning have always been at the heart of my life goals. This is what motivated me to specialize in pediatrics and then in pediatric neurology. Neuropediatrics deals with the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with a peripheral nervous system disorder (muscles and nerves) or central nervous system disorder (brain - bone marrow), which includes all motor, psychomotor, language, learning and behavioral development disorders. The neuro-pediatrician assists the family and the child with the diagnosis, the complementary examinations to be carried out, the assessments to be performed, the treatments or therapies to be implemented to optimize the child's development, which also includes an opinion on school orientation. The neuro-pediatrician is often considered as the conductor of the follow-up of children with various disorders, whether it is DYS or another particular condition (epilepsy, headaches...), with a role of coordinator of the rehabilitation teams for the evaluation, elaboration and implementation of the objectives of the rehabilitation program in multidisciplinarity.