• General topics
  • Submitted on 05/01/2024

Where can I find a specialist for euthanasia or assisted suicide?

Euthanasia, assisted suicide...i need to find a specialist for this case.who deals with this?please,i need a name of a doctor or a clinic.i have asked in other countries and i am very tired,i wish to die .i need a concrete answer.thank you

6 specialists answered

  • To see with your doctor if you have a medical reason

    Florence Nkaere

    General practitioner


  • You first have to visit your GP to discuss your demand, the cause and help you with your distress.

    Jade Roumanos

    General practitioner


  • That depend of which country you are from…
    You should respect and follow the rules and law if your country

    Vincent Formato

    General practitioner


  • The best way to obtain an answer to your question is to book an appointment with a "Consultation fin de vie" (end-of-life consultation):
    Pr François Damas at CHR La Citadelle (Liège): 32(0)43218825
    In other hospitals,: see https://www.admd.be/information/consultations-concernant-la-fin-de-vie/

    Christian Gilles



  • https://expertisecentrumeuthanasie.nl/en/

    Van der Auwera Karel



  • See an général doctor to Check if your case suit to euthanasie

    Anne De Ryck

    General practitioner


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