Get ready for summer 2017!

Take care of yourself and win a voucher at Treatwell.

We offer you a voucher worth €200 from our partner Treatwell!
Various aesthetic treatments, massages, spa and products are at your disposal.

Simply book 2 appointments of the following specializations:

A draw will take place on June 19
to determine who will be the winner!

*one coupon, offer available for confirmed appointments of 20/04-18/06

See the conditions

Do you have a good diet ?

Think about changing from a nutriotional point of view.
Here are 6 reasons to adopt a healthy and balanced diet before the summer!

Having a better sleep
Keeping diseases away
Being more energetic
Making your skin healthy and glowing
Feeling well in your body
Improving your focus
Having a better sleep

At night your body continues to work on digesting, so if you have eaten acidic or fat foods then it is possible that it causes you sleep disorders. A dietitian can help you adopt a diet to combat insomnia.

Keeping diseases away

If you follow a healthy diet, you have much more chance to avoid diseases like diabetes, heart attack etc ... (70% of people with poor eating habits suffer from this kind of illness). Better prevent than cure, consider following the recommendations of your dietician.

Being more energetic

A healthy and regular diet helps you keep good energy and improves your metabolism slowly and steadily. Consult a dietician-nutritionist to adapt your diet to your goals.

Making your skin healthy and glowing

Soft skin is an indication that you have a healthy and balanced diet (lots of nutrient and hydration). To be healthy health goes through good nutrition. Consult for more information.

Feeling well in your body

To avoid the yo-yo effects of a strict and fast diet, you must opt for a healthy diet and physical maintenance. The primary mission of your dietitian is to offer you menus in accordance with your morphology.

Improving your focus

Good nutrition increases mental abilities, such as concentration, memory or aging of the brain. By eating appropriate foods and drinks, you can concentrate better and keep your brain awake longer.


Have a beatiful silhouette this summer: do sports!

One out of five people run every week in Belgium.

This year, doctoranytime will support the famous 20km race of Brussels! More than 40.000 people, amateurs and professionals, young and old, girls and boys participate in the race every year!

Do you want to be a part of this adventure and challenge yourself?


doctoranytime will offer you: warm-up, massages, refreshments, t-shirts and many other goodies! You will be in good hands.

Smile! You have Beautiful Teeth

Besides the aesthetic dentistry that beautifies your smile, a regular visit to the dentist allows to detect in time tooth decays and will be the occasion to practice a scaling.

Have you seen a dentist since the beginning of 2017?

A specialist can help you do a dental check-up and advice you.
Here are some reasons why you should be motivated to book an appointment with one of our specialists:

Good oral hygiene
White teeth
Protection the teeth and gums
For good breath
Better refund
Good oral hygiene

It is important to take care of our mouth and teeth. A large number of oral infections are often the symptom of a disease.

White teeth

Those with white teeth appear on average 5 to 10 years younger than their real age. White teeth gives you confidence.

Protection the teeth and gums

Scaling involves removing the scale plate. The dentist then polishes the cleaned surfaces to restore radiance to the teeth.

For good breath

Tartar or dental plaque also gives bad breath.

Better refund

Dentists want to motivate the population to come on a regular basis in order to avoid problems and higher costs in the long term.

3 dentist tips to have white teeth

A good diet

Specialists recommend dried fruits, carrots, green cabbage and apples that boost the production of saliva that strengthen the mineral defenses of the teeth.

Brushing teeth

It is very important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening, for 2 minutes.

Visiting the dentist

The best step to have a beautiful and healthy smile is a regular visit to your dentist!

Discover our specialists:


A lottery will take place to determinate who will be the winner!
A single lot, valid offer for an appointment from 20/04 to 18/06.

The winner will receive a unique lot : a gift acrd of 200 euros usable on

The procedure and terms of the lottery wille be explained on the Facebook and broadcast in Facebook live.

To get his lot the winner will have to:

If the winner don't accept the above condition, another person will be drawn.