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Dr Anna Poupalou (Viscerale chirurg) | doctoranytime Dr Anna Poupalou (Viscerale chirurg) | doctoranytime
Erkenningsnummer: 19752564140
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Doctor Anna Poupalou receives you in her private practice on the avenue du Val d'Or, 130. This doctor is also specialized in urologic, thoracic and digestive surgeries. Warning, the docteur only receives children under 16 years of age.

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  • Viscerale chirurgie



  • July 1999: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Perugia- Italy (110 ! /110).
  • 2010: Graduate in Pediatric Surgery

Professionele ervaring

  • 02/03/2018- Today: Deputy Head of Clinic at the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital
  • (HUDERF): permanent contract (Head of Department: Prof Steyaert).
  • 01/11/2011- 1. 3. 2018 : Deputy Head of Clinic at St. Mary's University Hospital, London Pierre- Huderf, from 01 November 2011 to 1. 3. 2018, open-ended contract, with participation in courses and exams for 3rd and 4th Doc (ULB) students (Head of Department: Prof Steyaert).
  • 01/3/2016- 31/5/2016 : hands on in Vietnam, Children's Hospital 2, neonatal surgery center and congenital malformations.
  • 01/11/2010 to 31/10/2011 : Associate Practitioner (12 months) at the University Hospital "Necker Enfants Malades", Paris (Heads of Department, Prof. Revillon and Prof. Aigrain).
  • 02/09/2010-30/10/2010 : Private clinic "IASO", Athens.
  • 01/08/2010-31/08/2010 : "Garrahan" Children's Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Head of Department Dr. Marcella BAILEZ).
  • 01/07/2010-31/07/2010 : St. Michael's Children's Oncology Hospital Jude", Memphis, Tennesse, USA (Head of Department, Dr. Andrew Davidoff).
  • 14/05/2010: Acquisition of the title of surgeon (infantile speciality) by the Prefecture of Athens, Directorate of Public Health, after written and oral examination.
  • 01/11/2009- 24/06/2010 : Resident specialist (7th year) at the "Aglaé Kyriakou" Hospital in Athens (1st Department of Pediatric Surgery, Head of Department Dr G. Petousis).
  • 01/05/2009- 31/10/2009: Internship in Pediatric Surgery, Lenval Foundation, Nice, France (Head of Department dr Valla). Private activity, St. Michael's Clinic Georges, Adult Surgery
  • 31/10/2008- 30/04/2009: 6 months internship in adult thoracic surgery (Sotiria Hospital, Athens).
  • 26/11/2004- 25/11/05: Candidate Resident at the C. H. U. and Transplant Centre, General Hospital "Laiko", Athens (Head of Department: Prof. A. Kwstakis).
  • 20/02/2003- 19/11/2004 : Resident Candidate at "Aglaé Kyriakou" Hospital, Athens
  • 30/05/2001- 30/08/2002 : Chios General Hospital and Pyrgi Medical Centre (Greece).
  • 2000 (05- 06) and 2000 (09) - 2001 (02) : University Hospital for Children "Sant' Orsola", Bologna, Italy, Centre for Classical Pediatric Surgery and Laparoscopy (Head of Department Prof. Mario Lima).
  • 2000 (07- 08) : Boothall Children's Hospital, Manchester, Great Britain, Department of Pediatric Surgery (Professor Bianchi).
  • 1999 (08)- 2000 (03) : Erasmus programme, in surgery, general medicine, paediatrics, radiology, microbiology in Achepa, Ippokration and Gennimatas University Hospitals in Thessaloniki, Greece


  • Member of IPEG (International Pediatric Endosurgery Group)
  • Member of Belaps (Belgian Association of Pedriatrics surgeons)
  • Member of ESPES
  • Member of GECI


  • Engels
  • Frans
  • Grieks
  • Italiaans

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en publicaties

  • DOCTORAT de recherche, Phd (à thèse) : Université de Médecine et Chirurgie d’Athènes, Hôpital Universitaire Laiko.
  • « Lung Resection using Radiofrequency Ablation in a porcine model by Thoracoscopy and Thoracotomy: A Comparative Study 
  • DIU (Diplôme Inter-universitaire d’Urologie Pédiatrique): Paris (responsable prof. Aigrain). Recherche clinique associée.
  • MASTER: Chirurgie Laparoscopique, Robotique et Téléchirurgie (Université d’Athènes, Grèce). Recherche clinique associée.
  • Participation aux cours et aux examens des étudiants de 3ème et 4ème Doc (ULB)
  • Anglais
  • 1. Poupalou A, Vrancken C, Vanderveken E, Steyaert H: Use of Non-absorbable Spiral Tacks (Protack®) to Secure the Mesh in Thoracoscopic Approach for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. European J Pediatr Surg Rep. 2018 Jan;6(1):e27-e31.
  • 2. Poupalou A, Steyaert H: Spleen Preserving Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Insulinoma in a child: Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques & Part B: Videoscopy
  • 3. Poupalou A, Kontos M, Felekouras E, Papalois A, Kavantzas N, Agrogiannis G, Yagoubi F, Tomos P: Open versus thoracoscopic RFA assisted lung resection. J Invest Surg. 2016 Nov 22:1-7.
  • 4. Poupalou A, Salomon R, Boudjemline Y, Allain-Launay E, Aigrain Y, Chardot C. Aortic bypass and bilateral renal autotransplantation for mid-aortic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol. 2013 Sep;28(9):1871-4. 

5. Poupalou A, Spyridis G, Vakaki M, Giamarelou P, Petousis G, Nikolaidis P. A case of cystic dysplasia of the rete testis in a 17-months-old boy. Case Report Med. 2011;2011:389857. Epub 2011 Jul 3.
  • 6. Poupalou A, Varetti C, Lauron G, Steyaert H, Valla JS. Perinatal diagnosis and management of congenital bronchial stenosis or atresia: 4 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jan;141(1):e11-4.
  • 7. Tomos P, Felekouras E, Poupalou A, Kontos M, Pappa P, Kavatzas N, Pavlopoulos D, Kostakis A, Papalois A, Tsigris C Video-assisted lung resection using radiofrequency ablation in a porcine model, J Surg Res. 2009 Jun 15;154(2):279-83.
  • Francais
  • 8. A Poupalou, S. Luycks, H Steyaert. Management of cryptorchidism (evaluation and treatment).
  • Surgeon’s Corner, Journal du Pédiatre Belge.2015;Vol. 18 - Nr.2 :170-171.
  • 9. JS Valla, J Lauron, JF Lecompte, A Poupalou, H Steyaert, A Deville, C Soler ; Chirurgie mini-invasive et oncologie pédiatrique : mise au point. Mem Ac Nat Chir, 2010,9(4) :045-050.
  • 10. A. Poupalou · J. Lauron · H. Steyaert · J. S. Valla. P220 - Péritonites appendiculaires : faut-il encore les opérer en urgence? Archives de Pédiatrie 06/2010; 17(6):105-105.
  • Grec
  • 11. Poupalou Anna, Jean-Stephane Valla: Huge breast mass in a 13-years-old girl: phylloides tumor or geant fibradenoma? Paediatriki, 2013, 76(1): 86-92
  • 12. Poupalou Anna, Spyridis G, Petousis G, Sklavos M, Nikolaidis P. Conservative surgical management with tumorectomy for ovarian tumor: 5 case reports. Paediatriki, 2013, 76(2):220- 228.
  • 13. Poupalou Anna, Skondras I, Nikolaidis P, Sklavos M, Petousis G. Meckel’s diverticulum: the great imitator of the abdomen. Two case reports in infants. Iatriki, 2011.
  • PRIX (Awards)- Bourses
  • Meilleure communication,  IPEG, Prague, 2011
  • Meilleure communication,   GECI, Saint-Etienne, 2009
  • Bourses : Obtention de bourses d’études á l’université de Perugia pour notes et conduite excellentes 1993- 1994- 1995- 1996


Wat is het adres van Dr. Anna Poupalou?

De praktijk van zorgvelerner Anna Poupalou bevindt zich Chaussée d'Ixelles 29 in Ixelles.

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